Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Bringing up babies and young children who have very special needs.



Bringing up babies and young children who have very special needs. A 21st century guide for parents, students and new practitioners

Written Peter Limbrick


102 pages

£14.75 (+ P&P*) (Discount available for unwaged parents of children who have special needs.**)

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  • Introduction
  • The three pillars of early child and family support
  • Health: The first pillar of early child and family support
  • Education: The second pillar of early child and family support
  • Family support: The third pillar of early child and family support
  • Evaluating early child and family support
  • Humanity around babies and young children who have very special needs
  • Unhelpful features of out-dated support
  • Concluding remarks
  • Appendix 1: Occupational Therapists in Early Intervention
  • References

Introduction - first paragraphs

This small book is written for people who are coming new to the world of babies and young children who have very special needs. I hope this will include new parents, others with a parenting role, family members, students who might eventually work with these children and people who have just moved into this field of work. It can often feel like a world separated from the main world because babies and infants who have very special needs belong to a small minority most people will not encounter very often if at all.

I have used the phrase ‘bringing up’ in the book’s title, because this is what parents all around the world do and it is what this book is about. Parents bring up their children as best they can whatever abilities and needs their children have. But, unfortunately, when a baby or young child has very special needs it can feel that some of this parenting role is taken over by one or more practitioners. Parents might then find themselves inappropriately forced into a secondary or subservient role because practitioners appear as experts and because parents do not yet know all the same things the practitioners know.

This book, then, is about parents bringing up their young children and how the main task of agencies and their practitioners in both hospital and community-based services is to respect and support parents in this role. There is very clear recognition here that parents have the most important role and responsibility. The treatments and programmes provided by practitioners must be supplementary to and supportive of this parental role. While an ideal is some sort of partnership, parents must be in the leading role making the important decisions about support for their child and family.

It is common in every country for parents of all young children to ask for help when they need it – during pregnancy, after the birth or in the coming months and years. The up-to-date support I am describing in this book follows this natural approach. In this, parents bring up their babies and infants who have very special needs as best they can and ask for help when they need it. Roles are very clear in this:

  • Babies and young children belongs to their parents.
  • Parents carry the right and responsibility to bring up their children.
  • Agencies and their practitioners carry the professional responsibility to offer relevant and effective support when invited to do so...

Text from back cover

Peter Limbrick is an educationalist with long experience of babies and young children who have multiple diagnoses. His approach helps children who have disabilities and very special needs learn basic skills and supports parents with all they have to deal with.

This book is about support children and families might need. It contrasts effective 21st century support with approaches that are out-of-date and, at worst, insensitive and institutional.

Peter describes three essential pillars of effective support:

  • Health: for the child’s survival and freedom from pain
  • Education: for the child’s understanding, skills and wellbeing
  • Family support: for the family’s resilience and quality of life

Peter tells us there is no time to waste and roles are very clear: Parents’ role is to bring up their children. The role of therapists, teachers and other practitioners is to help them. Even so, many parents have to go into battle to get what they need.

Integration Made Possible: A practical manual for joint working. Multiagency - multidisciplinary - transdisciplinary



Integration Made Possible: A practical manual for joint working. Multiagency - multidisciplinary - transdisciplinary

By Peter Limbrick

Published by Interconnections in March 2020

129 A4 pages. ca 20,000 words. Spiral bound.

ISBN: 978-0-9576601-7-5

£30.00 (+ P&P*) 

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* If purchasing mutliple books contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a postage discount.

From the introduction:

The word ‘integration’ can be defined as unifying diverse elements into a whole. Integration is described in this Manual as a process of joining things together with the purpose of achieving something better than was there when the things were separate. When various elements of support are integrated around a baby, child, teenager, adult or elderly person, a support system is created that is more whole.

Support for people in need that is unified in this way is always better than a collection of fragments that do not fit well with each other, so we can think of integration as the antidote to harmful fragmentation. This Manual takes the widest possible interpretation of integration from joint working between the major local agencies to co-operation and collaboration at community level in such facilities as swimming pools and food banks.

From the back cover:

Integration Made Possible

With 22 pages you can photocopy for project meetings

Are you passionate about integration?

Would you like to see more joint working around adults and children who have special needs?
Effective integration between health, education and social care is rare in the UK and other countries.
This Manual is guaranteed to help you move forward.
This Manual is guaranteed to help.

Integration projects require leadership

Leaders are passionate about joint working and committed to help bring about change.
Leaders can be directors, managers or practitioners in public and voluntary agencies.
They can also be people with special needs or their family members and advocates.

This Manual offers essential help

In understanding important issues around integration.
For planning projects to promote effective integration for service users.
In designing undergraduate courses and academic research projects.
In writing grant applications for local projects and research.
The Manual brings co-production, person-centred practice and a firm evidence base into your joint working project

Discussion topics include: Starting out, Types of integration, Problems caused by fragmentation, When integration is needed, Integration that occurs spontaneously, Benefits to service users, Benefits to family, carers and friends, Benefits to service providers, Co-location and one-stop shops, Keyworking, Individualised multidisciplinary teams, Primary interventionists, Integrated pathways, Directories and communication systems, Partnership with service users, User and practitioner surveys, Horizontal teamwork, Attitudes to integration, Integration with the private sector, Integration as a cultural phenomenon, Academic responsibilities in integration, Tasks for leaders.


 ec fs300


Early Child and Family Support Principles and Prospects: For parents and practitioners impatient for change

Written Peter Limbrick


£15.00 (+ P&P) 

This book is about support for families whose new child has significant challenges to development and learning. Key messages:

  • These families are an oppressed minority group unable to fight for their rights without help
  • These children and their families deserve the best possible quality of life
  • The task of parents is to bring up their children, practitioners’ task is to help them when they ask
  • Helping a new child develop and learn is primarily an education issue
  • Regular support is best offered at home and in community education settings rather than in hospitals
  • Most families will benefit from a locally relevant version of team around the child (TAC)
  • Early support practitioners should be treated as a unified workforce and part of a collective effort
  • Local early support task forces could help improve local systems and work to counter oppression

Published by Interconnections 2022. ISBN: 978-0-9576601-9-9

81 pages. 16cm x 22cm.Perfect bound.

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Integration Made Possible: A practical manual for joint working. Multiagency - multidisciplinary - transdisciplinary

Written Peter Limbrick


£30.00 (+ P&P) 

The word ‘integration’ can be defined as unifying diverse elements into a whole. Integration is described in this Manual as a process of joining things together with the purpose of achieving something better than was there when the things were separate. When various elements of support are integrated around a baby, child, teenager, adult or elderly person, a support system is created that is more whole. 

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Bringing up babies and young children who have very special needs. A 21st century guide for parents, students and new practitioners

Written Peter Limbrick


£14.75 (+ P&P) (Discount available for unwaged parents of children who have special needs.)

This small book is written for people who are coming new to the world of babies and young children who have very special needs. I hope this will include new parents, others with a parenting role, family members, students who might eventually work with these children and people who have just moved into this field of work. It can often feel like a world separated from the main world because babies and infants who have very special needs belong to a small minority most people will not encounter very often if at all.

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Primary Interventionists in the Team Around the Child approach: A guide for managers and practitioners supporting families whose baby or infant has a multifaceted condition

Written Peter Limbrick

2018, 120 pages

£10 (+ P&P)

“Long-term stress and strain in families can surely contribute to later mental ill-health for children, parents and other close family members. These mental states should not be underestimated. Coupled with anxiety about the child’s future and a feeling of being out of control of the family, they can overwhelm parents, keeping them awake into the small hours and bringing up very dark thoughts."

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Early Childhood Intervention without Tears: Improved support for infants with disabilities and their families

Written Peter Limbrick


£22 (+ P&P)

Early childhood intervention services for babies and infants with disabilities have evolved with two in-built assumptions:  

· Disabled infants can be treated very differently from typically developing infants
· Families must accept exhaustion and stress, often to the point of family breakdown 

Peter Limbrick argues that both of these assumptions are wrong.


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Bobby can use the toilet

By Charmaine Champ


£12 (+ P&P)

This is a social story with clear text and illustrations to help children learn to use the toilet at home or at school. The story of Bobby is intended to be used as part of a child’s toileting routine and read by a parent or carer with the child. There is a pull-out summary chart to be used as a visual timetable Pages are wipe-able for use in the toileting area.

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Bowel & Bladder Assessment Pack: A guide for carers and professionals helping children and young people with a learning disability, physical disability, autism or complex needs to be successful with toileting.

By Charmaine Champ


£18 (+ P&P)

Some children and teenagers with a learning disability, physical disability, autism or complex needs remain incontinent of the bowel and bladder.

This has a serious impact on their self-esteem and on social and play activities.  For parents and carers at home or in school there are added time pressures, increased physical demands and very significant costs.

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Caring Activism: A 21st Century Concept of Care – a new book for 2016 

Written Peter Limbrick. Edited by Hilton Davis


£12.99 (+ P&P)

This book is a proposal for citizens to join together to support vulnerable children, teenagers, adults and elderly people.

From the back cover: Think of rough sleepers in Europe’s capitals, of teenagers leaving care homes without aftercare, of elderly people struggling alone without family or friends. Think of people displaced by conflict and natural disasters.

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Horizontal Teamwork in a Vertical World

By Peter Limbrick


£12.95 (+ P&P)

 We have constant reminders of how hospitals, schools, care homes, GPs, social services, etc damage service users by failing to work together. People who run commercial organisations take collaboration in their stride and do it well, but many managers of public services wrongly assume it is impossible.

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spacer An Interview with Professor Hilton Davis


Edited by Peter Limbrick

£7.95 (+ P&P)

 This publication is dedicated to everyone working in support of people who are vulnerable or in need for whatever reason. It is particularly for those who see that the system in which they work could be improved in terms of the quality of the support offered and the outcomes achieved.

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spacer TAC for the 21st Century

Nine Essays on Team Around the Child


Written and edited by Peter Limbrick

£13.95 (+ P&P)

 The TAC system, accepted as good practice in several countries, offers opportunities to radically re-appraise how practitioners use time and resources in pursuit of effective support for the increasing population of infants who have multifaceted conditions and disabilities... read more and buy... 

bookcover_family-centredframe spacer Family-Centred Support

for Children with Disabilities and Special Needs


A collection of essays edited by Peter Limbrick

£17.50 (+ P&P)

 These essays promote awareness and understanding of families in the people who manage and work in services that attempt to support them and describe approaches that are designed from this family-centred standpoint... read more and buy...



spacer Early Support for Children with Complex Needs  

Team Around the Child and the Multi-Agency Keyworker


Written and edited by Peter Limbrick

£14.95 (+ P&P)

 In traditional approaches to children with complex needs practitioners have worked separately, providing many families with a fragmented service. This manual addresses how to join these services together and argues that effective early support can only be achieved if key practitioners take time to establish better working relationships with parents and with each other... read more and buy... 

bookcover_integratedpathway_fr spacer An Integrated Pathway for Assessment And Support

for Children with Complex Needs and their Families


Written and edited by Peter Limbrick

£12.95 (+ P&P)

 The manual describes a practical, family-centred pathway which is based on the Team-around-the-Child model of multi-agency co-ordination. This integrated pathway incorporates processes for referral, assessment, service delivery and review, and gives parents a central role in planning the service for their child and family... read more and buy...

bookcover_tacframe spacer The Team Around The Child

Multi-Agency Service Co-ordination for Children with Complex Needs and their Families


Written and edited by Peter Limbrick

£9.95 (+ P&P)

 The TAC system, accepted as good practice in several countries, offers opportunities to radically re-appraise how practitioners use time and resources in pursuit of effective support for the increasing population of infants who have multifaceted conditions and disabilities. TAC for the 21st Century will inform and inspire... read more and buy...

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