Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Lead Article: Eww 'one of them'...! On being gay and disabled

Gudrun Limbrick

Best estimates suggest that around 10% of the population identifies as lesbian, gay or bisexual. We often forget that this means that 10% of the disabled population are also gay. While there are undoubtedly issues for some disabled young people who are beginning to explore their own sexuality, there may be additional challenges for those who identify as gay...


Opinion: Recognising Fathers – The experiences of fathers who have children with learning disabilities

Christine Towers

The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities has found through its research that fathers of children with learning disabilities can feel excluded from health and social care services set up to support their children. Fathers often play a major role in the care of their child/ children, but feel practitioners do not always appreciate their contribution or needs...


Barnardo's Cygnet – making a difference

Andy Morris

Cygnet is a parenting support programme for parents and carers of children/young people aged 7-18 who have a diagnosis of an Autistic Spectrum Condition. The programme has been provided for parents and carers with positive results in the Bradford district for the last five years leading to its publication by Barnardo's last July...


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