Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Promoting a Learners' Charter

Gerry German

There needs to be an agreement by all of us about educational provision in modern, multi-ethnic Britain. The ones really to be consulted are children and young people who combine knowledge of life at the sharp end with a vision of a society where they could be at the same time happy and secure – and imaginative and co-operative in developing individual

A Town Like Alice – Episode 10

Deborah Berkeley

'Thank goodness for school no. 3, with its frank admission that inclusion hadn't been the best solution for all their pupils with SEN, but a total willingness and 'up for it' attitude that I found really welcoming. They learned Alice's name and kept using it, too. If only they had had a bit more experience, I might feel confident about her going there.'

Infant Massage for Children with Disabilities/Special Needs

Anita Epple

Baby Massage is a wonderful way for parents to use positive touch. This gives the opportunity for special time together; incorporating not only the massage but also therapeutic hugs and holds, fun with nursery rhymes and music. Baby massage is also a fantastic way for parents to learn how their baby communicates with them

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