'Pushing disabled people off benefits – without creating jobs or tackling employer discrimination – is simply a means of cutting disabled people's living standards'
PCS, DPAC and Black Triangle Campaign are united in opposing the government's austerity programme, which seeks to force people to pay for the failure of the finance system and of the government to regulate it.
The government is making unprecedented cuts across the public sector and is removing people's social, economic and civil rights. The welfare state which was established to provide social security to those unable to work is being systematically dismantled through privatisation and £30 billion of cuts announced to date.
This is not about balancing the books. Over the same period, the government has also given away £30 billion in tax breaks to business. This is an ideological assault on the welfare state.
Disabled people are being disproportionately and brutally affected by these cuts, which include Employment and Support Allowance, and the Disability Living Allowance, the imposition of the Work Capability Assessment (carried out by Atos) and the proposed abolition of the Independent Living Fund.
It is shameful and immoral that private companies are making profit from disabled and unemployed workers but worse, it does not work, the public sector delivers services more effectively, efficiently and less expensively than the private sector.
The cuts are blighting the lives of the least economically secure in society. The government's approach cannot work: there are already 2.5 million people unemployed, and over 6 million seeking additional work. Pushing disabled people off benefits – without creating jobs or tackling employer discrimination – is simply a means of cutting disabled people's living standards.
Read the whole statement here