Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


SPELD in New South Wales


"That all individuals in NSW with specific learning difficulties will have every opportunity to achieve their full potential in life"

SPELD NSW strives to:-

Support the educational needs of children and adults with Specific Learning Difficulties (SLD).

Support teachers, other professionals and kindred associations working with adults and children with SLD.

Promote knowledge of, and equal access to, all aspects of education which accommodates the needs of children and adults with SLD.

Act as advocates on behalf of children and adults with SLD in advancing collaboration and communication with educational and government authorities and other relevant bodies.

Extended Families Australia


Extended Families Australia provides meaningful and lasting volunteer support to children a disability and their families, many of whom are socially isolated and in need of companionship, flexible support and practical assistance in their day-to-day lives.  

Extended Families Australia facilitates positive connections between people within a community to provide support to children with disabilities and their families. 

Extended Families seeks to widen social networks, empower individuals, promote inclusion and strengthen the bonds people have within their local area. 

The organisation breaks down barriers by changing social attitudes and creating opportunities. 

Children and families who are supported by Extended Families have access to a number of flexible support options founded upon volunteering models including individualised volunteer matching for social, recreational and respite support, supported play groups, friendship groups and social events. 

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NZDSA "Turn the Page With Me" DVD – New Zealand


The NZDSA in collaboration with the Champion Centre and the University of Canterbury has developed this resource to show how parents can share books with their children with Down syndrome.


This supports their child's spoken language as well as developing their literacy skills.


It models effective strategies, explains why they work and provides suggestions for choosing appropriate books.


The resource is free to members who have a child who is six years of age or younger. NZDSA members with a child older than six years can order the resource at $10 to cover the cost of duplication and postage.


Non-members can order the resource at $20 including postage.


To order a copy of the DVD, please fill this form and return to Linda te Kaat.



Cooperative Research Centre for Autism - Australia


The Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Living with Autism Spectrum Disorders is set to revolutionise the way Autism research is undertaken in Australia and will transform the lives of more than one million Australians. 

The Autism CRC, to be based at Long Pocket in Brisbane in association with the University of Queensland, will be the world's first national, cooperative research effort directed towards Autism. 

The implementation of a highly innovative "whole-of-life" research portfolio will deliver a continuum of support required for people with Autism to participate successfully in education, employment and all facets of the community. 

Read more here.

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