Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Wi-Fried? News item on ABC Australia

WiFi-3_80Item dated  Tuesday, 16 February 2016: ‘Could wifi-enabled devices be harmful to our health? You cannot see it or hear it but Wi-Fi blankets our homes, our schools and our cities. Australia's safety agency says there's no evidence of harm, but that's not the same as saying its safe.

‘A growing number of scientists are concerned that the widespread use of Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi-enabled devices could be slowly making us sick. In this Catalyst investigation, Dr Maryanne Demasi explores whether our wireless devices could be putting our health at risk.’

Go to:

Dr. Martin Pall: EMF’s are the major cause of autism – video of lecture – essential viewing

Mast2Dr. Martin Pall states EMF’s (electromagnetic fields) are the major cause of autism. In addition, chemicals and EMF’s combined produce autism. In this lecture he presents the scientific evidence.

Dr. Pall is a professor emeritus of biochemistry and basic medical sciences at Washington State University.

Watch the video -

Peter Limbrick writes: This is of interest to all of us. Major autism organisations in every country should watch the video with an open mind, follow the links, consider the issues and then publish their response – in TAC Bulletin, if they wish.

Radiating corruption? The frightening science and politics of cell phone safety – from the US

masts80This item is taken from an article by Gary Null in the online Ecologist on 8th February 2016

A growing body of scientific evidence show that cell phone users suffer a range of negative health impacts from infertility and brain tumors to hyperactivity and memory loss, writes Gary Null. Yet the Center for Disease Control has taken a weak and ambiguous stance on the issue, reflecting industry interests at the expense of citizens. We deserve - and must demand - better.

The article tell us -

A growing body of independent science shows that cell phones may have massive consequences on the health of our nation, especially our children. It is time that Americans stand up to the corporate profiteers and rein in this invisible danger in our midst.

- and reports inks between cell phone radiation and cancer, health issues in children, infertility, brain and neurological issues.

Read the article:  

CanChild Family Engagement Day - Opening doors to family-research partnerships today for a brighter tomorrow - Ontario, Canada, April 2016

canchild80CanChild is excited to partner with NeuroDevNet for Family Engagement Day: Opening doors to family-research partnerships today for a brighter tomorrow!

This year's event will bring together families, researchers, clinicians and community members to learn about the latest research and engage in collaborative discussions about our individual and shared hopes for where today's research will take us.

Saturday, April 2, 2016 | 10:00am - 3:30pm

Ron Joyce Children's Health Centre (Hamilton, ON)

Bring the whole family! Our agenda includes topics of interest to youth, siblings and grandparents! On-site childcare is included with all family registrations.

Learn more and register!

share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011