Seminar to enhance early child and family support can come to your team or group - UK and other countries
Facilitated by Peter Limbrick, focusing on babies and pre-school children who have multiple diagnoses of disabling conditions
Peter originated the Team Around the Child approach (TAC) at the beginning of this century following direct work with families whose new child had neurological impairment.
His most recent books are:
Bringing up babies and young children who have very special needs (2019)
Primary interventionists in the Team Around the Child Approach (2018)
Early Childhood Intervention without Tears (2017)
Seminars will be shaped to meet the particular needs of each team or group. It is expected that some representative parents will participate.
The cost of a seminar for a professional team is £300 plus modest expenses.
The cost can be negotiated for parent groups.
Delegates will be able to buy the above books at 10% discount.
Seminars can be expanded into a consultancy exercise for service development
To discuss your needs: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.