London Hearing Voices Network, UK
Launched in 2005, as a London-wide capacity building project to increase the quality and quantity of peer support groups for adults who hear voices or see visions, the London Hearing Voices Project has grown from strength to strength. It has developed an excellent local, national and international reputation for its work and is part of the wider international 'Hearing Voices' movement.
'Hearing Voices' is used as a generic term to include people who hear, see or sense things that others don't. It is a relatively common human experience – between 3 and 10% of adults hear voices, this figure rises to over 75% if you include one off experiences like hearing your phone ring when no-one is calling you. Whilst the majority of people who hear voices do not have a problem with this – in fact their experiences may be beneficial or at least neutral. However, a significant minority (roughly a third) of voice-hearers struggle to cope and may be diagnosed with a mental health problem.
More information here.