Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Parent advice sheets from the All Wales Sexual Health Network (UK) – free to download

The parents' advice sheets are written by Speakeasy - a free FPA course that gives parents and carers the skills and information to talk to their children about growing up, relationships and sex. 

Using the experience gained from working with over 10,000 parents, the advice sheets are packed with useful help, tips and pointers on talking about puberty, sex and relationships.


Carmarthenshire Group for Parents with Learning Disability invites you to the Third Parents Conference in Wales, UK in May 2014

Even if you can't stay long, please feel free to pop up and browse our stands so you can pick up information leaflets etc. from the numerous organisations that support families across Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire and Ceredigion. 

'Speaking Up' will be held at St Peters Civic Hall in Carmarthen on Thursday 1st May 2014 from 10am-2pm. 

QUESTION: Would you like to give a ten-minute presentation about your project or have a stand? We are also looking for organisations who wish to hold a workshop. 

From Susi de Lacey

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Parent Advocate, Carmarthenshire People First

TEL 01267 234635 / 07805629881

What is FRIENDS for Life?

friends-for-life3FRIENDS for Life is an internationally recognised programme that teaches children and young people techniques to cope with anxiety and promote wellbeing, social and emotional skills and resilience.

FRIENDS for Life is the only programme of its kind endorsed by the World Health Organisation as 'efficacious across the entire spectrum, as a universal prevention program, as a targeted prevention program and as a treatment.'

Research on the programme shows reduced anxiety and depression, increased coping skills and self-esteem, with improvements maintained up to 6 years after the completion of the programme.


What parents need to know about the safety of mobile and Wi-Fi-enabled technologies

Do your children use mobile/smart or cordless phones? Do your children use iPads or other wireless tablet computers? Do you have Wi-Fi at home or in your children's schools? 

Many parents are giving these devices to their children to use. But there is a problem. Scientists and doctors are warning that children shouldn't be using them and yet very few people know about it. 

Scientific studies have demonstrated that these technologies have serious and life-threatening side effects. 

There are so many studies now that mobile phones and Wi-Fi can no longer be considered safe. With government and industry making so much money from mobile communications, they may not admit the damaging effects for some time. 

However, if you are aware of the risks then you have the opportunity to choose safe alternatives. 

Read more:

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