Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Join the Buddy Walk with Auckland Down Syndrome Association, Sunday 23 March 2014

The Auckland Buddy Walk is a 3.5 km walk followed by a carnival with clowns, rides, spot prizes, stalls, music and entertainment. It is a wonderful, heart-warming event that celebrates the many abilities and accomplishments of people with Down syndrome.

Whether you have Down syndrome, know someone who does, or just want to show your support, come and join us on Sunday 23 March 2014, Tahaki Reserve, 250 Mt Eden Road.

Registrations starts from 9.00am the walk is at 10.00am and the event finishes at 2.00pm.

Information and video here: 

Register here:

The Key Competencies Pathway, Sensory Learning Toolkit Introductory Workshop, and UKE Can Learn to Play the UKULELE Workshop – New Zealand

The Key Competencies Pathway: An NZ curriculum resource supporting students working within Level 1. Written collaboratively by special educators across New Zealand.  The document is available for purchase and effectively supports IEP and curriculum planning.  For more  information:  

Contact: Julie: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Sensory Learning Toolkit Introductory Workshop:  Tuesday 25th March. Hamilton.

The Sensory Learning Toolkit is a resource created by special education practitioners for practitioners to support a sensory approach to teaching and learning for students with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties. The toolkit has three components: ENGAGE, ASSESS and PLAN and will assist in:

  • Identifying what a student responds to and likes to do
  • Identifying tools for assessing students that include their preferred learning styles
  • Supporting curriculum planning
  • Providing resource ideas and exemplars

For more information contact Julie: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

UKE Can Learn to Play the UKULELE Workshop: Christchurch 24th May and Auckland 7th June

Supported by a blog following the workshop participants will learn to play the ukulele and will also have tools, strategies and resources to teach their students. By the end of the workshop participants will have learnt:

  • The correct position to hold the ukulele
  • To tune a ukulele
  • Strumming techniques
  • To Play five chords
  • Play a number of songs

The workshop will be dynamic, hands on and a lot of fun! 

The Ukulele blog has:

  • Short and very simple video tutorials with students with special educational needs leading the learning!
  • A detailed Unit Plan for practitioners to work from to teach their students. The Unit plan is aligned to the video tutorials
  • A Student Learning Log to enable students to track their own progress
  • A bank of downloadable 1 to 5 chord song sheets
  • A  space to share ideas and learning!

For more information contact Julie: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Some facts and figures about children and families at New Zealand's Champion Centre


This is extracted from their Annual report, BUILDING FUTURES FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS, 2012/2013. 

We have served 1,609 children since the programme began and our graduates range in age from 6 to 37 years old. 

Of the 154 children currently in the service, there are 64 girls and 90 boys. 20 of our current clients identify as Māori, 1 as Cook Island Māori, 1 as Chinese, 3 as Indian, 1 as Malaysian, 2 as Philippino, 1 as Samoan and 1 as South African and 121 as New Zealand European (or simply 'New Zealand'). 

Not all parents have reported their home status, but at least 11 children are being raised by solo parents, and 4 are fostered. 41 families come from areas of Canterbury outside Christchurch and 106 from Christchurch. 

The largest group of children by diagnosis are those born prematurely. 85 were born anywhere from 2 to 15 weeks early with birth weights as low as 530 grams. Of the 85, 21 have a diagnosable disability requiring a full service and 64 are on the Assessment and Monitoring programme at risk of developmental delay. Of the remaining 69 children, 26 have Down syndrome; 10 have Autism Spectrum Disorder; 13 have a diagnosis of developmental delay of unknown cause; 4 have a primary diagnosis of cerebral palsy; and the remaining 16 have diagnoses of specific syndromes or conditions resulting from other causes. 

Children attend individualised programmes with others at their same age and/or developmental stage. In these programmes each child/family has one-on-one time with each therapist/specialist as well as group time for music and kai. 27 children are in programmes for babies, 28 in what we call 'middle years' programmes and 28 are preparing for school in our 'transition' programmes. A further 7 are currently in our Relating and Communicating programme, but are expected to transition into the appropriate programme before transitioning into school. 

Want to know more? Visit:

Contact: Dr Susan Foster-Cohen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

World Autism Awareness Day 2014, Melbourne, Luna Park in April

Come along to Luna Park on 6th April and have the chance to access Luna Park exclusively for 2 hours and for the great price of $10! There will music, exhibitors and lots of fun activities. 

There will also be a dove release to mark the occasion. Luna Park is close to St. Kilda Beach, Acland and Fitzroy Streets as well as the St. Kilda Botanical Gardens so there is plenty to do in the area to celebrate the day! 


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