Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Welcome to Woodcote Adult Respite

picture of houseBased in long-established premises on a quiet street in the centre of Purley, this new unit offers both residential and respite care including a day care service for adults (aged 18 to 65) with disabilities.

The service is designed to meet the needs of those who require long-term placement as well as those occasions when their families/carers need respite, this can range from a day care service to an overnight stay or perhaps a fortnight's residence. Please bear in mind that our clients need to be independently mobile.

Manager David Condon, who has previously worked for the local authority in a respite home for children with disabilities and for MENCAP in a residential home, heads a staff of professionals who provide attentive round-the-clock care on a rota basis; there is always waking night cover. As a small and intimate home which comprises four respite and two residential beds, the emphasis is largely focused on 'hands on' care and maximum regard to safety. All members of staff have a strong sense of commitment to their duties, which are carried out professionally and with energy and enthusiasm. They are all officially registered with the CQC and all staff are CRB-checked.

Being independent means that families and carers can contact the home directly to make enquiries and discuss needs; there is no need to do so via the local authority. The staff are always happy to carry out pre-assessment visits to the client's home, day centre etc, to gain the fullest understanding of their individual circumstances and requirements. This also offers an early opportunity to discuss fees, which are graded according to the degree and type of care needed (universal discounts apply when the stay exceeds 10 days).

Remember: David and the staff are always happy to invite initial enquiries by telephone. Therefore if you would like more information, please call: 020 3509 9030 today or visit our website here.

Smirnoff in the maternity unit. Foetal alcohol campaign gives massive boost to alcohol advertising

Diageo (Smirnoff, Guinness, etc.) have donated a piddling sum to NOFAS UK

Diageo (Smirnoff, Guinness, etc.) have donated a piddling sum to NOFAS UK for the 'education' of midwives about pregnant women drinking alcohol. I wonder how many UK midwives manage to qualify without an awareness of these dangers.

This small gob of money will trickle out as a sticky discharge over the next three years. You can bet each very small cheque will come with a massive PR effort to convince us how socially responsible Diageo is. My Independent on Sunday (12th June) gives a figure of £4m – a measly donation when one considers how much of it might have to go on generous salaries and office costs.

Mr Litherland (the man at the top of the UK Diageo heap) asserts (IoS again) that Diageo feels passionate about this scheme. This makes me want to expunge 'passionate' from my dictionary. What a piece of hypocrisy!  Real passion, the sort that costs money rather than piling more funds into the company bank, would show deep concern for the tens of thousands of UK babies, children, young people and families whose lives are ruined by alcohol – tens of thousands in contrast to the twenty a day NOFAS UK claims as victims of foetal alcohol syndrome.

While the campaign to protect foetuses from alcohol and all other poisons and pollutions is entirely valid, the acceptance of this tainted money does a disservice to all children, their families and all organisations working for them.  NOFAS UK have been duped by Diageo and have been bought cheap. Shame!

Peter Limbrick

Improving children and their families lives through a new e-learning programme at Coventry University


coventry2Coventry University has been granted over £1.3 million for a range of projects around children with palliative and complex care needs and their families. Part of the outcome is an innovative e-learning programme

Children and Young People's Palliative and Complex Care

In June 2010, the Department of Health released a call to support projects focused on benefitting the lives of children with palliative and complex care needs and their families. Coventry University, led by Professor Jane Coad, was successful in gaining over £1.3 million for a range of projects in a dedicated work stream around Children and Families. As part of this a new innovative e-learning programme was developed.

The programme of e-learning modules aim to assist in the transformation of the workforce and up skilling of health, social care and allied health professionals who wish to expand and enhance their practice around palliative and complex care for children, young people and their families. It is aimed at nurses, midwives, doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, and individuals working in health informatics, coroners and charity workers.

The programme has been designed following consultation with senior academics, clinical experts, user groups and charities to ensure that the content reflects current contemporary issues in relation to palliative and complex care for children, young people and their families. This programme will be delivered and assessed entirely online via the Internet and we support students in developing their IT skills from the outset.

Each module of learning is offered through the use of interactive web based learning, using case scenarios and electronic learning styles (online classroom, e-activities and discussion forums) which help students ground their reflections from their own practice. We encourage students to work together online to not only develop their specialist knowledge but also to learn how each other's roles combine to offer family centred care. This e-learning approach enables the course to be flexible and learner focused. As there is no requirement to attend the University students able to study from home or their workplace.

If you wish to hear more about this exciting new programme, or would like to enrol please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

AboutLearningDisabilities UK

useful_website_4_uAboutLearningDisabilities was formed to offer a unique reference point on comprehensive advice on learning disabilities

 From their website:

There are many hundreds of thousands of people that live with different types and severities of learning disabilities throughout the UK. Often people with learning disabilities can face extra challenges in life - connecting with society, finding employment and accessing community, healthcare and social services. These are all services that are designed to enable them to live as independently as possible.

Since the publication of the UK Government's White Paper 'Valuing People' in 2001, there has been a significant change in the way the Government wants service providers and society to help improve the life prospects of people with learning disabilities. To help further enable this change, we wanted to set up AboutLearningDisabilities as a resource to educate and inform people about the challenges people with learning disabilities face, and how change is being implemented. The website supports a move towards greater advocacy and self-advocacy, and we agree that people with learning disabilities should be given as much support as possible to live fulfilling, independent lives.

Whether you're directly or indirectly affected by learning disabilities, or perhaps interested in working within learning disability services, our website acts as a guide to inform and educate about aspects of the many different types of learning disabilities. We hope that AboutLearningDisabilities will serve as a first point of reference for this varied subject area.

Our concern was that there was no single UK resource for interesting features and practical advice on this subject. Our features and articles are written by experts - who have experience, or a particular interest in this area. Our focus is simply on having experts create the highest quality information possible that is widely read.

For the website click here 

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