Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


New On-line Forum for Short Breaks Carers and Inclusive Play Leaders

useful_website_4_uA NEW  Interactive On-line FORUM has been developed by Short Breaks Network, just for short break carers and inclusive play leaders working with disabled children, as a focus where short break carers can share good practice, ideas and advice with other carers. 

Funded by the Big Lottery, the new Forum is part of the Short Break Carers' Network's bank of resources FREE to short break carers. 

But we could do with your help to contact paid carers and inclusive play workers to let them know about the Forum, as well as the other FREE resources offered by the Network.

Lee Cox

Network Coordinator

Short Breaks Network
36 Easton Business Centre
Felix Road
Bristol BS5 0HE 

Tel: 01179 415361 | Fax: 01179 415362

Are mobile phones safe for children to use?

masts2International Agency for Research on Cancer has reclassified mobile phones as possibly carcinogenic

Extracts from an article by David Reid, Reporter on BBC Click. You can see it in full here


While many experts say there is no link between mobile phone use and cancer in adults there is still widespread uncertainty about the risks children face. 

Research into health and mobile phones has been beset with difficulties. Mobiles have been in use for a relatively short time and yet cancers can take decades to develop. 

However, most scientists seem to agree about one thing - that if mobiles are hazardous, children may be more vulnerable than the rest of us to their possible ill-effects. 

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has recently reclassified mobile phones. The UN agency has fallen short of saying that mobile phones are definitely hazardous, instead they have re-classified mobile phones as possibly carcinogenic. 

The re-classification was the result of a meeting held at the headquarters in Lyon of the world's leading scientists in the field. 

They reviewed experimental data from animal research and also the longest running research project into the use of mobile phones by brain cancer sufferers. 

"The strongest evidence really comes from the studies of cancer in humans and there was some evidence that there may be an association between the use of mobile cell-phones and certain types of brain cancer," says Dr Kurt Straif of the IARC. 

To see the full article click here 

Disability Rights & Benefits and meningitis - new website


Meningitis Research Foundation (MRF) has launched a new tool for people affected by meningitis and septicaemia to guide them through the disabilities rights and benefits system

They are trying to publicise the free service to as many people as possible and would appreciate your assistance in this by putting information on your website, newsletter or publication.

Following meningitis and septicaemia, many families find it difficult to know where to turn for information about benefits entitlement and accessing equipment. MRF's Disability Rights and Benefits site addresses this need with a quick tailor-made online assessment which allows the charity's specialist helpline team to guide users through what can be a bewildering process.

They will provide guidance on financial assistance, organising access to equipment, educational support and how to access housing alteration benefits. To access the MRF Disability Rights and Benefits site click here

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