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Stop the DLA Takeaway campaign - Contact a Family and the Children's Trust, Tadworth need your help

'(families) provide the same or more care when their child is in hospital and incur extra costs such as loss of earnings, travel to and from hospital, parking and childcare expenses' 

Rob Wood writes – 

The Children's Trust and family support charity Contact a Family would like to hear from parents and carers of children who spend long periods in hospital. The charities are asking families to fill out a short survey which could provide vital information to strengthen their Stop the DLA Takeaway campaign. 

The Stop the DLA Takeaway campaign highlights that disabled children who spend long periods in hospital are at risk of having their Disability Living Allowance (DLA) suspended. Current regulations mean DLA is removed from a child if their hospital stay is over 84 days. The days do not have to be consecutive so hundreds of severely disabled and sick children, who are regularly in and out of hospital, could be affected. 

The Government argues that when a child spends longer than 84 days in hospital 'a patient's needs are fully met free of charge'. However, Contact a Family and The Children's Trust hear from families that they provide the same or more care when their child is in hospital and incur extra costs such as loss of earnings, travel to and from hospital, parking and childcare expenses. 

If you are the parent or carer of a child who has spent a long time in hospital please complete our short survey. It will only take a few minutes! 

This information could help Contact a Family and The Children's Trust strengthen their call for the Government to scrap the rules that deny some of the UK's most severely disabled children financial help when they need it most. 

Rob Wood

Marketing & Communications Manager

The Children's Trust, Tadworth

Direct dial: 01737 365077

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