TAC Bulletin – Issue Number 337 – September 2024

From Interconnections

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker

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News Items: 

1 Leaping Forward # 14: When we properly adopt systems thinking, complicated babies and infants magically become more straightforward. Then we know what to do

2 Honesty about the most disabled baby

3 The right to a strong foundation. Global Report on early childhood care and education

4 EMF Hazards Summit 2024 – about electromagnetic frequencies and health – Free Online: October 3 – 6

5 An umbrella review of the characteristics of resiliency-enhancing interventions for children and youth with disabilities

6 Family Engagement in Systems Assessment Tools (FESAT)

7 The Importance of Play in Early Childhood Learning

8 The Development and Pilot Testing of a Fidelity Checklist for a Family-Centered Telehealth Intervention for Parents of Children with Motor Delay

Editor: Peter Limbrick  -   About this TAC Bulletin

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Views expressed in TAC Bulletin are not necessarily shared by Interconnections

Peter Limbrick, Editor, Interconnections, UK

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