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Employment supports for disabled people – a new research project

A twoyear study into the cost effectiveness of different models of employment support for disabled people

The National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) have been granted funding from the National Institute for Health Research's School of Social Care Research (SSCR) to carry out a two-year study into the cost effectiveness of different models of employment support for disabled people, including those with mental health problems.

A recent review carried out by NDTi shows that evidence around employment support is currently very patchy, especially looking across different client groups. Through addressing this research gap we hope to enable people who commission employment support to make more informed choices and decisions. 

The study will focus on the following questions: 

1.    What is the 'value for money' impact of current employment supports, in terms of people consequently achieving paid work? 

2.    How does that 'value for money' impact vary between different models of employment support? Do they result in different outcomes? 

3.    How is the 'value for money' impact affected by different approaches to implementing local employment strategies? 

As part of this we will also look at the influence of (and links between) various factors, such as types of work, hours worked, type of disability, age/ different life stages of people needing support etc.

The research will involve national scale data collection as well as in-depth research and analysis with a sample of around 12 local authorities. The findings will generate a wide range of evidence-based materials that will help local authorities plan, buy and deliver more effective employment support for disabled people. It will conclude with an action learning programme to help authorities implement the findings.

For more details click here


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