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Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

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'My Sense of Blind and Other Collected Poems' by Des Kenny, Chief Executive Officer of NCBI

sense_of_blind2Des Kenny spent his early years during the mid-1950s, in Newbridge, county Kildare, Ireland, until a childhood accident was the cause of him losing his eye-sight, leading to total blindness at the age of nine.


Many of the poems in this first collection of verse bring to life for the reader the poet's interpretation of the wrench of pain in separating from his family, and having to leave his home for a residential school for the blind in Dublin. Des Kenny comments –


The pain in some of the poems may read to the reader as being ‘raw’. But they are not sores which didn't heal over the years as I went on to success in my work and happiness in marriage with my family of three daughters and three sons.


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