TAC Bulletin – Issue Number 334 – June 2024

From Interconnections
The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker

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News Items: 
1. Leaping Forward # 11: A proper look at systems theory helps prevent parent and professional burnout
2. Video about favourable developmental environments (omits to mention the dangers of electromagnetic radiation in the environments of foetuses and children)
3. A schoolgirl’s experience of institutional care
4. Understanding burnout among parents of children with complex care needs: A scoping review informed by a stakeholder consultation
5. The Early Child Development Taskforce welcomes new members from any country. Would you like to join?
6. How digital media affect brain development – what parents and educators should know. VIDEO
7. Mental illness and suicide in children and adolescents linked to smartphones
8. Challenges facing girls and women in rural areas
9. Help Wanted: Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education Workforce Needs. Findings from a National Survey (USA)


Editor: Peter Limbrick  -   About this TAC Bulletin

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Views expressed in TAC Bulletin are not necessarily shared by Interconnections.

Peter Limbrick, Editor, Interconnections, UK.

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