5G is the “Stupidest idea in the history of the world”- Washington State Biochemistry/Medical Science Professor

5G is the “Stupidest idea in the history of the world”- Washington State Biochemistry/Medical Science Professor

Martin L. Pall, PhD and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University outlines in a new report the many health risks associated with 5G technology and wireless radiation in general.

Read the article: https://www.collective-evolution.com/2019/02/19/5g-is

Read more: 5G is the “Stupidest idea in the history of the world”- Washington State Biochemistry/Medical Science Professor

The association between Zika virus infection and microcephaly in Brazil 2015–2017: An observational analysis of over 4 million births

This study strengthens the evidence that congenital ZIKV infection, particularly in the first 2 trimesters of pregnancy, is associated with microcephaly and less frequently with other birth defects.

Oliver J. Brady, Aaron Osgood-Zimmerman, Nicholas J. Kassebaum, Sarah E. Ray, Valdelaine E. M. de Ara

Read more: The association between Zika virus infection and microcephaly in Brazil 2015–2017: An observational analysis of over 4 million births

Sleep hygiene education and children with developmental disabilities: findings from a co-design study

Sleep hygiene education and children with developmental disabilities: findings from a co-design study

By Dr J. E. Sutton. Dr J.C.Huws. Prof C. R. Burton (2019)

University of Chester and Bangor University (UK)


Journal of Intellectual Disabilities:  JID-18-0025.R1


This qualitative study develops a programme theory demonstrating the complexity embedded in sleep hygiene education (S

Read more: Sleep hygiene education and children with developmental disabilities: findings from a co-design study

Effectiveness and Long-Term Impacts of the work of Family Resource Programs in Society - Paper

Supporting the Work of Family Resource Programs with Scientific Evidence for FRP – BC Members and FRP Practitioners. 2018

Prepared by Diego Arias and assisted by Sherry Sinclair

Table of Contents:




Analysis of Issues

Defining Effectiveness and Long-Term Impacts


Read more: Effectiveness and Long-Term Impacts of the work of Family Resource Programs in Society - Paper

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