Positive comments about ‘Bringing up babies who have very special needs’ (Author: Peter Limbrick)

Early support bringing together health, education and social care into a whole approach

“Dear Peter, I was delighted to hear from you and to receive your latest book. I am impressed with how active you have been in publishing your ideas.

"I really like your whole approach, particularly the Thre

Read more: Positive comments about ‘Bringing up babies who have very special needs’ (Author: Peter Limbrick)

International Guide is now available in Russian ‘Are you worried about your child?’ Волнуетесь о своем ребенке?

This Guide is available now in several languages. Are you using it and passing it to families?

All versions here: http://www.tacinterconnections.com/index.php/new-world-guide

Would you like another language?



Read more: International Guide is now available in Russian ‘Are you worried about your child?’ Волнуетесь о своем ребенке?

New Resource: Coaching and empowering caregivers of children with hearing loss, an approach to foster well-being

From the Partners for A Greater Voice website: 'Outcomes in children’s development are best realized when parental caregivers have good self-esteem, develop competencies, and are informed and emotionally equipped to cope with hearing loss.

'An approach to coach and empower them must be positive, sup

Read more: New Resource: Coaching and empowering caregivers of children with hearing loss, an approach to foster well-being

‘Every Possibility – A parents guide: Early childhood intervention’ a wonderful new booklet from Australia

“With one person who knows you; you don’t have to double up on conversations, you only need to relay information to one person.” (Lisa – Parent)

From the introduction:

This booklet is a guide to help you to get the best out of therapy for your child. We hope it will boost your confidence in working

Read more: ‘Every Possibility – A parents guide: Early childhood intervention’ a wonderful new booklet from Australia

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