One-to-One: An experiment in community participation in long-stay hospitals

--- looking back to the 1970s, USA and UK ---


From the book's introduction by Nigel Evans:

'The idea of the One-to-One project grew out of a yearly event that I witnessed in New York. Known as ‘One-to-One’, the event was spread over three days, with charity concerts and fund raising through television and street collections occupying two of the days. The third day was devoted to opening up Central Park, filling it with hundreds of activities and inviting the surrounding Mental Handicap Hospitals to bring their patients to spend a day in the park, each patient partnered by a volunteer from the city...'


one-to-one covers

















One-to-One: An experiment in community participation in long-stay hospitals (1976)

Edited by Pete Limbrick

Cover drawing by Nick Bantock

ISBN: 0904571084

An Inter-Action Advisory Service Handbook.

share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011