Getting Baby-Ready as a Mum with a Physical Disability
From DisAbility Maternity Care -
‘Getting ready for your baby is an overwhelming stage for any parent-to-be, but is exacerbated when you have to factor in a disability, at least in my experience.
‘So, first step – take a deep breath in, hold and exhale slowly. I know how terrifying this is.
‘No-one knows your own limitations better than you do, and that often means that you’re your own worse critic. With my first child, it was all uncharted territory and as someone that relies on structure and knowledge to manage my anxiety, I was at a complete loss. There was no-one I knew that had a disability and managed to parent without physical support intervention by either third parties or relatives.
‘Because I am so physically capable, I didn’t qualify for support and I wanted to prove (like everything else in my life) that I could find a way to do it all myself. There were many people that doubted I could be a mum without someone else to do the physical things for me. I wanted to defy this expectation....’
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