Aysha Begum writes: We need help to save our most essential Bangladeshi Parent Adviser (BPA) service that has been helping us maintain our general emotional wellbeing which in turn enables us to cope with our caring duties as parents and carers of disabled children and adults in Tower Hamlets.
The Bart's Health and Tower Hamlets Council have abolished this service without consultation just in order to fulfil the government's requirements of having a carer's assessment - which is simply just a ticking boxes exercise. No consideration given to our current needs and possible risk around to the vulnerable young disabled children and our lives as carers.
As existing service users we have been excluded from consultation and had no access to any information throughout and were forced to fight and struggle for this.
We made a petition to the Management of Bart's health with 300 signatures and challenged their approach and decision but had no result.
We had been diverted to the Mayor but we are unable to meet with the Mayor due to the unsuitable time offered to us despite suggesting to meet during school hours.
Finally the joint management board made decision and snatched our invaluable BPA service by Force.
We have lodged about 30 formal complaints individually against the Joint Board but had no satisfactory answers and neither have they rectified their initial plan.
The authority seems to only provide political answers to service users – proof can be found in the contents of their letters to us.
The families of young children 0-14 years have lost the service completely and children service is unable to offer us the same or any similar service, as a result there is potential risk for family breakdowns, us to suffer from mental health issues and children are at risk of not being safeguarded!
Therefore we feel undermined and victimised by the authority.
Join us for a peaceful march on Monday 23rd March 2015 at 11 a.m. Chrisp Street Market, E14 6AQ outside the Idea Store. We are going to walk to the Mayor's Office!
Kind Regards
Aysha Begum
For further info please contact me via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.