Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


PMLD Link Journal is celebrating 25 years and invites you to its celebration conference on Friday, 28th June, 2013, 9:00am – 4:00pm. Refreshments and lunch included.

Venue: Room G39, School of Education, University of Birmingham, UK. Chair: Dr Penny Lacey, Senior Lecturer in Education, DISN.

The University of Birmingham, Department of Disability, Inclusion and Special Needs (DISN) is hosting the conference and we are very grateful for their kind support. DISN has been associated with 'PMLD Link' for many years and currently Dr Penny Lacey is on the editorial team. Many members of the PMLD Link Editorial Board will be at the event to discuss a wide range of topics. Speakers include: Dave Hewett on Intensive Interaction and Jo Fitzgerald on Personal Budgets.

This event is free to subscribers. To reserve a place please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

You can subscribe to PMLD Link here.  

share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011