‘I went to the learning support base whenever I felt scared or lonely’ - The voices of pupils with SEN influence new resources to support the transition from primary to secondary school
The UK-based Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities has published Moving On to Secondary School guidelines - based on a project to support pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) make the transition from primary to secondary school. Julia, a Year 7 student said:
“I didn’t know what to expect from a giant big school. I kept on getting lost and every time I was late for lessons I felt like I was getting into very big trouble because I kept on being late.
Latif, a Year 7 student remembers:
“The playground was really scary on my first day so I went to the learning support base whenever I felt scared or lonely. Now I don’t need to go there very often and I know where everything in the school is, so I’m a lot happier”
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