Research alerts from HealthMatters Community Academic Partnership
Below are four research alerts:
1. There are common barriers that general population and people with ID share and include late referral to hospice, reluctance to broach subject, payment restrictions, lack of adequate resources, providers' knowledge of hospice, carers' familiarity with hospice, limitations of care, and ethical dilemmas related to overtreatment. However, the barriers are even greater for people with ID and include additional issues in delay in diagnosis of life-limiting condition, hospice provider's knowledge of ID, incomplete communication of treatment options, conflicts between carers and surrogate decision makers, ethical dilemmas related to undertreatment, and challenges with informed consent.
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2. A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities Women with disabilities often discover that the social stigma of disability and inadequate care are greater barriers to health than the disability, itself. This Handbook, developed with the help and experience of women with disabilities in 42 countries, can help women with disabilities overcome barriers, i mprove their general health, self-esteem and ability to care for themselves, as well as increase their participation in their communities.(
3. The service provision for people with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) in mainland China included healthcare, mainstream education, private special education, and state-run special education. The literature on the situation of the healthcare system and educational services for children with ASC in China was profoundly limited. There were great financial problems faced by the parents of children with ASC, which were partly due to the under-developed healthcare and educational system for ASC.
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4. Latino and Black children with autism and other DD experienced poorer health care quality compared to White children. Latino and Black parents reported less satisfaction with their health care providers on issues such as making them feel like a partner, spending more time, or understanding their family culture.
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HealthMatters Alerts: