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Alcohol Health Alliance - UK


The Alcohol Health Alliance UK brings together medical bodies, patient representatives, charities and alcohol health campaigners.

The Royal College of Physicians has a long history of raising awareness of the health damage caused by alcohol and has played a crucial role in the debate surrounding government alcohol policy since its first comments on the gin epidemic in 1725.

The RCP remains a leading voice in the public debate on alcohol and coordinates the Alcohol Health Alliance UK (AHA UK), a network of organisations working to reduce alcohol-related harm.

The provides an expert view on alcohol and alcohol-related harm and has, most recently, submitted evidence to: 

Alcohol Health Alliance UK

The Alcohol Health Alliance UK brings together medical bodies, patient representatives, charities and alcohol health campaigners to:

  • highlight the rising levels of alcohol health harm
  • propose evidence-based solutions to reduce this harm
  • influence decision makers to take positive action to address the damage caused by alcohol misuse.
    Our mission is to reduce the damage to health caused by alcohol misuse

Key messages

The AHA UK submits collated responses to a range of consultations. Most recent submissions can be downloaded from the end of this page, and include:

  • Health Committee Inquiry on the alcohol strategy - AHA UK written evidence, May 2012
  • Public health white paper - AHA UK response, March 2011

The AHA UK's briefings on key alcohol-related issues are available to download at the end of this page. These cover:

  • Minimum pricing for alcohol
  • Treatment services
  • Alcohol marketing
  • Mandatory code
  • Three key messages from the Alcohol Health Alliance

 Visit the website here


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