Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Tascare in Tasmania

tascare2Tascare Society for Children is a small community based service located in Hobart, Tasmania.  We provide support to young Tasmanian's living with disability and their families. 

Tascare operate without any source of Government funding, and rely on donations, bequests and project specific grants to enable our work.

Tascare work with families at the grass roots level – listening to their stories and locating or developing supports that are helpful.  Due to the size and ethos of Tascare, collaboration with other agencies is not only necessary, but highly valued.  Tascare has been able to work in partnership with a diverse range of partners to develop programs which add value to the lives of children and young people and their families.

Tascare's independence from Government allows us to work "in the gaps", and respond to issues and concerns for families that are not currently being addressed.

Tascare offers social and emotional support, support specifically for siblings, referral and information, individual and systemic advocacy, development of resources, lobbying change, dissemination of information and practical support for families.  We also partner with other agencies to provide camps for siblings, produce resource materials for families, and to provide a modified bicycle service for children. 

Tascare has a diverse range of interests, but in anything we undertake our focus in firmly on working in partnership with families, valuing their unique strengths and vision for their child living with disability.


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