Two ebooks on TAC
Both by Peter Limbrick, the originator of the TAC System for joint working. Both published for Kindle in 2012.
1. An Introduction to Keyworking and TAC in the Horizontal Landscape: Joint working in support of children and adults in need
This essay is offered as an introduction to the multiagency keyworking model and the TAC System – and to their place in the horizontal landscape for service users of any age who require support from two or more agencies or services in the same time period. Readers are invited to relate its content to the needs and situations of the service users (babies, children, teenagers, adults or old people) they meet in their work or to categories of service users they belong to themselves or represent in some way.
The appeal, and the solutions offered, are for improved joint working to remedy the great dangers of chaos and fragmentation that happen so commonly when agencies and the people working in them fail to co-ordinate and collaborate with each other.
2. TAC for the 21st Century: Nine essays on Team Around the Child
The TAC system, accepted as good practice in several countries, offers opportunities to radically re-appraise how practitioners use time and resources in pursuit of effective support for the increasing population of infants who have multifaceted conditions and disabilities. TAC for the 21st Century will inform and inspire managers, practitioners and families in the struggle to match limited resources to increasing needs.
The nine TAC essays show the evolution of TAC philosophy from its foundation in the early 2000s. TAC began as a straightforward approach to multidisciplinary joint working and has become the vehicle for genuine child and family-centred support.
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