Healthier Lives Fact Sheets - from New South Wales CID
NSW Council for Intellectual Disability (NSW CID) is the peak body representing the rights and interests of people with intellectual disability in NSW.
We also run a state-wide Information Service, ASK CID, which provides information on all matters relating to people with intellectual disability. NSW CID has just completed a third reprint of our extremely popular Healthier Lives Fact Sheets.
The Fact Sheets aim to provide much needed information on a range of health issues that are important for people with intellectual disability. The Fact Sheets are available in two versions; Easy Read and Standard.
The Standard Health Fact Sheets have been designed to be used by families, advocates, disability workers and other professionals.
The Easy Read Health Fact Sheets use stories, pictures and easy to understand language, making them accessible for many people with an intellectual disability.
The Fact Sheets were developed from extensive consultation with health and disability professionals and with people with intellectual disability themselves.
Topics in the standard version include;
- Diagnosis and Assessment of Disability
- Children – Signs of Illness
- Children – What kinds of Health Services are There?
- Mental Health
- Sexuality
- Getting the Most Out of Medicare.
Topics in the Easy Read version include;
- Me and My Doctor
- Me and My Medication
- Some Signs of Sickness
Limited copies of the Fact Sheets are available free, for larger orders postage will be charged. For hard copies of the Health Fact Sheets please contact the Information Officer at NSW CID on 02 9211 1611 or 1800 424 065 (toll free) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Fact Sheets can also be downloaded for free from our website at