Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Do you know about Housing Options?

houseHousing Options is a national charity that provides advice and support to people with their housing and support issues. It was established over 10 years ago to work with people with learning disabilities and their families and professional advisors. 

Housing Options: 

  • Provides a telephone advice service throughout the week. Tel : 0845 456 1497
  • Provides fact sheets on the website that tells you the real facts about housing and support
  • Campaigns on behalf of really important issues such as benefit changes and Court Of Protection decisions
  • Works very closely with other organisations to have a bigger impact on sharing information and best practice
  • Provides national training with paradigm
  • Provides local training and support to members and others who are interested
  • Works closely with national and local Carers organisations to deliver information about housing

Housing Options service is funded by membership fees. 

Membership of Housing Options will mean: 

  • Regular bulletin on latest policy and practice changes in housing and support
  • Links with other members at events and on web based members forum
  • Increased awareness of best practice and new models of support and housing
  • Discount on training and events hosted by Housing Options
  • Access to guidance and support for staff involved in remodelling services
  • Independent advice for families and advocates

Membership fees start from £10 for individual families and £100 for Carers centres, Carers groups and Advocacy groups. If you are interested in joining, or want to know more  follow this link

or email the team at Housing Options and they can talk to you about what we do and membership offers /discounts in 2012

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share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011