Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

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Local authorities fail in their duty to provide childcare for disabled children

Families with disabled children face a lack of appropriate holiday childcare, exorbitant childcare costs and even discrimination.

One in three parents of disabled children received no holiday childcare during summer 2011, according to a survey conducted by KIDS in partnership with Mencap.

The survey of 1,192 parents from across England highlights that families with disabled children face a lack of appropriate holiday childcare, exorbitant childcare costs and even discrimination, as local authorities fail in their duty to provide childcare.

The survey reveals that two in three families found it 'difficult' or 'very difficult' to find appropriate childcare for their disabled child during summer 2011, and one in 10 disabled children were refused a place in childcare provision because of their impairments.

Even when parents do get childcare, it is estimated that some 19% parents of disabled children faced childcare costs of up to £11,700 per year, compared to the national average of £5,028.

The survey also highlights the continuing struggle that parents of disabled children face in order to maintain full-employment. While 19% of those surveyed were able to maintain a full-time job while caring for their disabled child, nearly half (41%) stated that they need childcare to be able to work. The lack of affordable, appropriate childcare was cited as a major reason that 43% of parents were unemployed. 

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