Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

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Disability rises high on the European agenda

European Disability Forum meets Barroso  

A delegation of the European Disability Forum led by its President, Yannis Vardakastanis, met with President of the European Commission Barroso in Brussels recently. This was the opportunity to discuss the next steps for disability in the EU.

The outcomes were successful: Mr. Barroso endorses the State of the Union on Disability, and committed to ensuring the right enforcement of the UN Convention throughout the European Commission.

Finally, the President promised to put pressure on national authorities to safeguard the rights of persons with disabilities during times of crisis.

Mr Jose Manuel Barroso recognised that the European Disability Forum is the primary representative to the European Institutions. A part from the President, the disability movement was represented by its Vice President, Erzsebet Földesi, its Secretary Rodolfo Cattani, and Director, Javier Güemes. They successfully brought 3 important issues to the table: 

1.                  The State of the Union on Disabilities 

2.                  UN Convention: from words to deeds 

3.                  The crisis: emergency exit

Read more on EDF website

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