Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

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Free and subsidised training workshops in challenging behaviour

Workshops now available for a time limited period for staff and families caring for children with severe learning disabilities


The workshops, run by the Challenging Behaviour Foundation, will target families and professionals caring for children with severe learning disabilities, and will be delivered primarily through special needs schools. The workshops are being funded by the Department for Education through their grant programme 'Improving outcomes for children, young people and families'. 


The workshops, delivered jointly by a positive behaviour support trainer and a family carer co-trainer, aim to bring families and professionals together to identify appropriate behaviour support strategies which can be used consistently in all settings. In a recent evaluation of the training workshops, participants reported reductions in both frequency and severity of challenging behaviour and challenging behaviour easier to manage as a result of attending the training.


The training is specific to those caring for individuals with severe learning disabilities, i.e. limited communication, often non-verbal, and needing help with daily living skills such as eating and dressing. Families, schools or other organisations interested in receiving free or subsidised training are invited to contact the Challenging Behaviour Foundation to register their interest.


More information here 


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