Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Books & publications

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Books & publications

Anning, A. (2010) Developing Multiprofessional Teamwork For Integrated Children's Services. UK: OUP

Boyle, D. & Harris, M. (2009) The Challenge of Co-production: How Equal Partnerships Between Professionals and the Public are Crucial to Improving Public Services. England: NESTA


Capra, F. & Luisi, P. L. (2014) The systems view of life: A unifying vision. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Davis, H. & Day, C. (2010) Working in partnership: The Family Partnership Model. London: Pearson

Frost, N. & Robinson, M. (2016) Developing multiprofessional teamwork for integrated children’s services: Research, policy, practice. UK: OUP

Housley, W. (2017) Interaction in Multidisciplinary Teams. UK: Routledge

Hennan, D. & Birrell, D. (2018) The Integration of Health and Social Care in the UK: Policy and Practice. England: Macmillan

Lawrence, J. & Thorne, E. (2016) A Systems Approach to Integrating Health in Education. USA: Cairn Guidance.

Levitt, S. (1994) Basic Abilities: A whole approach. UK: Souvenir Press

Limbrick, P. (2003) An Integrated Pathway for Assessment and Support. For children with complex needs and their families. UK: Interconnections

Limbrick, P. (2012) Horizontal Teamwork in a Vertical World: Exploring interagency collaboration and peop[le empowerment. UK: Interconnections

Limbrick, P. (2020) Integration Made Possible: A practical manual for joint working, multiagency, multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary. UK: Interconnections

Limbrick-Spencer, G. (2001) The Keyworker - a practical guide. UK: Handsel Trust with Wordworks

Littlechild, B. & Smith, R. (eds) (2013) A Handbook for Interprofessional Practice in the Human Services: Learning to Work Together. UK: Routledge

Lotrecchiano, G. R. & Misra, S. (Eds) (2019) Communications in Transdisciplinary Teams. California: Informing Science Press

Mallinson, I. (1995) Keyworking: Examination of a Method of Individualizing Care for Older People in Residential Establishments. UK: Avebury

Miller, R. (2019) Social Work and Integrated Care. UK: Routledge

Mitchell, R. (1993) Crisis Intervention in Practice: The Multidisciplinary Team and the Mental Health Social Worker (Studies of Care in the Community). UK: Avebury

Orelove, F. P. & Sobsey, D. (1996) Educating Children with Multiple Disabilities: A Transdisciplinary Approach. Baltimore: Brookes

Ovretveit, J. (1993) Co-ordinating Community Care: Multidisciplinary Teams and Care Management. UK: OUP

Payne, M. & Campling, J. (2000) Teamwork in Multiprofessional Care. London: Palgrave

Pfund, R. (2010) Pathways in palliative care. In Perspectives on palliative care for children and young people: A global discourse, eds Pfund, R. & Fowler-Kerry, S. Oxford: Radcliffe. 

Tebbett, K. et al. (2006) Management of Cerebral Palsy: A Transdisciplinary Approach. USA: Sage

Timmins, N. (2019) Leading for integrated care ‘If you think competition is hard, you should try collaboration’. London: King’s Fund

Townsley, R., Abbott, D. & Watson, D. (2004) Making a difference? Exploring the impact of multi-agency working on disabled children with complex healthcare needs, their families and the professionals who support them. Bristol: Policy Press

Sanderson, H. & Lepkowsky, M. B. (2014) Person-Centred Teams: A Practical Guide to Delivering Personalisation Through Effective Team-Work. London: Jessica Kingsley

Speck, P. (2006) Teamwork in Palliative Care: Fulfilling or Frustrating? UK: OUP

Stacey, M. (2009) Teamwork and Collaboration in Early Years Settings. UK: Learning Matters

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