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Unheard communities get a voice!


media trust logoCommunities who feel unheard due to illness, older age, or disability to be given a voice through digital media thanks to Media Trust 

Media Trust will open applications for its second Community Voices scheme on Monday 16th May. Community Voices is a one-year UK-wide project funded by Nominet Trust, which aims to inspire, engage and empower communities who feel disadvantaged, isolated, or voiceless, with the confidence, skills, and access to resources and funding that will enable them to make a meaningful difference to their lives using digital media.  

This year's scheme will focus on communities who feel voiceless due to long-term illness, older age, or disability. It will support communities, from the grass roots upwards, to run media projects addressing their own specific circumstances, enabling them to better access public and peer support services, and empowering them to have a voice and get it heard.

Community Voices aims to showcase various ways of utilizing digital media to make a difference, whether communities are brand new to digital or already have experience but require additional support. Communities who face isolation or disadvantage due to disability, older-age or long-term illness can apply for funding, training and expertise from digital professionals alongside collaborative support at a local level.

Community Voices is funded by Nominet Trust and delivered by Media Trust. Applications for support can be made online or by email, post, telephone or in person. The closing date for applications is Midday on Monday 13th June.

You can apply for the scheme, or get further information here or call the Community Voices team at Media Trust on 020 7871 5656.

share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011