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Conductive Education in the UK – one step forward...


front-coverNews item 1

From Gillian Maguire


Conductive Education Press has been established to record, explain and create information about Conductive Education. So far three titles have been published, the latest being Intelligent Love which reports parents' actions to bring their children up 'conductively'


Further information can be obtained from the website

 News item 2

 From Andrew Sutton -

 The magazine Special Children reports –

The UK's only degree course in conductive education (CE) is set to close after 17 years. The BA (Hons) course, validated by the University of Wolverhampton and delivered by the Birmingham-based National Institute of Conductive Education (NICE), will see its last intake start in September 2011.

Kit Field, dean of the School of Education at the University of Wolverhampton, said:

'The decision to close the programme, while regrettable, was taken in line with the recent Higher Education Funding Council (HEFCE) student number cap imposed on universities in the UK. Demand for the course has not grown and an average of 12 students or fewer have annually started the course.'

 – (2011) Conductive Education course set to close, Special Children, April/May, page 6

The article also reports intention to find another university to validate the conductor-training course, and create an independent college of conductive education, exempt from future government higher-education changes, including increases in tuition fees.

share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011