When the TACinterconnections Bulletin came up with the goods
Peter Limbrick writes -
In last year's December Bulletin a parent asked:
'I wonder if you can help, my son is a wheelchair user, he is 8 years old, physio have advised that he cannot functionally self-propel his wheelchair and that it will have a detrimental effect on his long term posture and health. I have long term health problems and as his primary carer have been trying to get a dual control power wheel chair for some considerable time now for my son.
We have been recently advised by our NHS Wheelchair provider that they will supply a dual control power wheelchair, fit it and maintain it for 3 years for a minimum cost of £2,200.
I realise I'm grasping at straws, but, we are not in a position to finance this ourselves.'
On the same day the Bulletin was mailed out, someone contacted the family and offered the necessary funds! Thomas has already taken delivery.
What a wonderful piece of good news at this time of deep anxiety about cuts in provision!