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Spotlight on Short Breaks – conference in Edinburgh, UK, September 2016: ‘Unlocking the Potential of Short Breaks’


A major international conference is coming to Scotland for the first time.  Experts from around the world are coming to the 10th International Short Breaks Association conference on Short Breaks and Respite Care in Edinburgh in September 2016.

Unlocking the Potential of Short Breaks - the 10th International Short Breaks Conference Edinburgh, Scotland, 13th to 15th September 2016.

The theme of the conference is Unlocking the Potential of Short Breaks and the 3-day event will explore the exciting developments taking place internationally to achieve better breaks for all. Scotland's unique Short Breaks Fund is one such example of innovation where government and the third sector are working together to stimulate new forms of provision.


Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister, said at the recent Scotland Carers Parliament ...

"The Short Breaks Fund is attracting international attention.  It's one reason why the International Short Break Association will hold its biennial conference in Edinburgh next year.  That gives us a great opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience with organisations across the world.  For us to share what we are doing and learn from others."


As much of the world is struggling with the effects of austerity and an aging population, coming together to find answers to the challenges of supporting caring relationships brings benefits to everybody.

"People caring for family members at home sustain the dignity and health of hundreds of thousands of people in Scotland. To sustain this they have to have a life outside their caring routine.  Finding ways to support them, and the people they help care for, is the minimum we should do.  We very much look forward to welcoming delegates to Scotland and to strengthening the connections between individuals and organisations from around the world who share this goal." - Don Williamson, CEO, Shared Care Scotland, President of ISBA


Enquiries on this information release to Ben Hall, Shared Care Scotland, 07833143085 or 01383 622462. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Shared Care Scotland is hosting the conference in 2016. Shared Care Scotland works for a Scotland where everyone who receives support or provides unpaid care can live a full and satisfying life with the assistance they need to take regular, quality breaks from the everyday demands of their caring routines:

ISBA is the International Short Breaks Association:

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