Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


What happens to people with autism after graduation in the USA?

Approximately 50,000 individuals with autism will graduate this year or turn 21, at which point they are no longer eligible for services provided through the public school system. In far too many cases, individuals with autism are denied effective transition planning to support success in adulthood.

Appropriate transition planning could lead to a job or post-secondary high school; it is a mandated part of the education process so students leave high school with skills needed for what comes next.

While we know that work is a viable option for many individuals on the autism spectrum, the reality is that 70% or more of those with disabilities who graduate or exit high school this spring will not have a job.

Some will be fortunate enough to go onto post-secondary education, but a majority of students with autism will not be provided the required support and accommodations needed for a successful experience.

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