Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


No Quality without Equality - International Conference on Diversity, Equality, and Social Justice in Early Childhood, June 2015 in Birmingham UK

newman2'Quality' continues to be the defining term for early childhood education and care. There is now a broad consensus among policy makers, practitioners and researchers that 'access to universally available, high-quality inclusive ECEC services is beneficial for all' (to quote a high profile policy document published by the EU Commission).

The importance given to 'quality' in early childhood has been emphasised by the proposal for a European Quality Framework, launched by the EU Commission in 2014. But what constitutes 'quality' in relation to the experiences of young children, their families and communities in and with early childhood institutions and programmes remains a highly contested matter.

Questions of how to develop, support, maintain and (e)value) quality are at the centre of controversial debate. There is no shortage of definitions – but they all depend on the context, the vantage point and the vested interests of those who are in a position to define.

As DECET, the international network that works for diversity, equality and social justice in early childhood, our position is clear: Firstly, questions of 'quality' are first and foremost connected to the rights of all children to grow up and live free of discrimination. Secondly, all means all – regardless of a child's or their family's race, ethnicity, colour, sex, gender, language, belief, religion, nationality, legal status, economic status or ability.

For further details on conference strands, keynote speakers and call for papers -

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