Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

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Everyday Revolutions: Horizontalism and autonomy in Argentina – by Marina Sitrin - 2012

sitrin2From Amazon: In the wake of the global financial crisis, new forms of social organization have begun to take shape, bringing disparate groups of people together in order to resist corporate globalization and seek a more positive way forward. These movements are not based on hierarchy, but rely on participants looking to one another to solve their problems, rather than to those in power. In certain countries in the West, this has been demonstrated by the recent and remarkable rise of the Occupy movement.

But in Argentina, such radical transformations have been taking place for some time, and Everyday Revolutions tells the story of how regular people changed their country and inspired others across the world.

Marina Sitrin shows how an economic crisis spurred a people's rebellion. How factory workers and medical clinic technicians are running their workplaces themselves, without bosses. How people have taken over land to build homes, raise livestock, grow crops and build schools, creating their own art and media in the process. In doing so, these new movements have created new forms of social organization - such as 'horizontalism' and 'autogestion' - that serve as instructive examples for activists the world over.

Dynamic and groundbreaking, Everyday Revolutions shows how the experiences of the autonomous movements in Argentina can help answer the question of how to turn a rupture into a revolution.


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