Do you know about 'layering' in play therapy? How about training as a Play Therapist?
Artwork is a play therapy medium used frequently by children in play therapy to express that which they can't put into words. In play therapy a child may add layer upon layer to a piece of art, with the finishing product hiding many levels of process. Other clients create a series of consecutive images, each one adding another layer to the previous one.
Both of these forms of layering, within a single image and in consecutive images, are very powerful. There may be links to Jung's layers of the psyche. Understanding the purpose behind the layering can help the therapist understand where the client is within their process.
Train as a Certified Practitioner in Therapeutic Play Skills or as a Certified Play Therapist so that you can communicate with and heal the children, when they choose these media. Nine conveniently located training centres throughout the UK. Courses start twice a year.
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