Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


27. Related link: Hospice Africa

Our mission is to support affordable, suitable and accessible Palliative Care to those in need in Uganda and other African countries.

This will improve the quality of life among the sick and restore hope, and it will mean easy and routine access for those who need palliative care.

We recognize the innate potential in the country and the willingness of the many actors to support effective and culturally sensitive palliative care.

We shall build solidarity with all those that share our mission and are willing to join hands with us.

We have shown in Uganda that there is a need for networking to bring a seamless continuum of care to our patients at this special time of life

Our vision is Palliative Care reaching all in need in Africa

This vision emerged from an awareness of the terrible suffering experienced by cancer patients in Nairobi in 1990. This has led to a realisation that this suffering was taking place all over Africa and it was increasing due to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

When the founder was approached by several countries asking for palliative care to be brought to their country, Hospice Africa was born and Uganda was chosen as the site for a model affordable and culturally acceptable foundation.

The initial objectives promoted service, training of all health professionals and supporting initiatives throughout Africa.

The future of the care in Africa is depending on the work in Uganda to maintain standards and training so that palliative care can reach all those in need

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