Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

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17. Silent Crisis: the hidden threat of mental illness among Syria's refugees

Nick Rice writes: 'Losing a home is more than a spatial separation; the emotional wrench can result in severe psychological consequences. The war in Syria has killed more than 150,000 people in three years and 40 per cent of Syria's pre-war population of 23 million have fled their homes. For the millions leaving Syria the physical practicalities initially overshadow any mental impacts. But the effects of such traumatic and life-changing events inevitably manifest.

'As the war grinds into a fourth year the number of refugees that have escaped to surrounding countries steadily approaches three million. The greatest numbers have entered Lebanon. The United Nations has registered more than a million Syrian refugees in the country, with the actual figure expected to be significantly higher. Lebanon has a population of 4.5 million, around 25 per cent of which are Syrian refugees. This represents the highest per-capita concentration of refugees recorded anywhere in recent history.

'Doctors of the World has operated in Lebanon since May 2012 and, working alongside local partner organisations, provides comprehensive healthcare services to Syrian refugees and vulnerable Lebanese.

'As UN staff in Lebanon register 2,500 new refugees every day, Doctors of the World is helping to confront the looming spectre of widespread psychological problems with a mental health task force. Records show a high incidence of mood and emotional disorders, alongside anxiety-related complaints. Trauma-related symptoms are typical in torture survivors whilst psychosomatic disorders and serious mental health conditions are also widespread. More than half of Lebanon's refugees, over 520,000, are children and hyperactive/aggressive behaviour is prevalent, as is bedwetting.'

This is an extract from an article by Nick Rice. Read the full piece here:

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