Free local workshops to support you when caring for a loved one with a disability - from Independence Australia
The Strengthening Families program will assist you in developing the knowledge, skills, and confidence to respond to the needs of a loved one. The program will develop key skills in optimism, resilience, assertiveness and well-being that will help overcome the challenges associated with supporting someone with a disability.
Delivered by Independence Australia's fully qualified trainers and psychologists, the Strengthening Families program will consist of four workshops that are run over a two or four week period. To view the complete workshop information:
The Strengthening Families program will be run at a variety of locations across Victoria:
Collingwood 1 – start date 24th March
Collingwood 2 – start date 28th April
Geelong – start date 26th May
Bendigo – start date 21st May
Shepparton – start date 17th June
All sessions will run from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
To view your local workshop details:
Contact Jenny Sykes, Information Services Community Worker: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.