Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Free local workshops to support you when caring for a loved one with a disability - from Independence Australia

The Strengthening Families program will assist you in developing the knowledge, skills, and confidence to respond to the needs of a loved one. The program will develop key skills in optimism, resilience, assertiveness and well-being that will help overcome the challenges associated with supporting someone with a disability.

Delivered by Independence Australia's fully qualified trainers and psychologists, the Strengthening Families program will consist of four workshops that are run over a two or four week period. To  view the complete workshop information:

The Strengthening Families program will be run at a variety of locations across Victoria:

Collingwood 1 – start date 24th March
Collingwood 2 – start date 28th April
Geelong – start date 26th May
Bendigo – start date 21st May
Shepparton – start date 17th June  

All sessions will run from 10:30am to 2:30pm.  

To view your local workshop details:

Contact Jenny Sykes, Information Services Community Worker: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011