Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Baby Massage Teacher Training and Massage for Babies with Special Situations

prone3Touch-Learn has trained many thousands of Baby Massage Teachers across the UK and beyond over the last 13 years.  The 5-day comprehensive course is university and Guild accredited. 

The Touch-Learn International Infant Massage Teacher Training Programme is a comprehensive programme for professionals working with parents and is a very popular perinatal intervention, particularly well-suited to support positive parenting in the community and support early relationships. 

It suitable for family support workers, health professionals, complementary therapists and anyone interested in working with and supporting parents and children. 

The benefits for facilitating this service include improved support for parents and, in particular, development of parenting skills. Also, infant massage has an important role in improving mental health outcomes such as post-natal depression and attachment disorders. For the child, the benefits include the promotion of its physical and cognitive development. 

The infant massage teacher qualification will enhance the role of health professionals, as it gives the opportunity for the development of a working partnership with parents. It allows for the development of a sensitive service that focuses on the needs of the infant and parent, in terms of well-being, as well as encouraging life skills and education. 

The Touch-Learn International programme is designed give students all the necessary skills to facilitate sessions in a safe, professional and ethical manner. No prior experience of massage therapy, child development or facilitating parental classes is necessary as the course is fully comprehensive. 

Touch-Learn Infant Massage Teachers are proud that their qualification is of an excellent standard and is recognised by a number of regulatory and accrediting bodies. Indeed, Dr Angela Underdown is a

Touch-Learn Infant Massage Teacher and used this programme as a benchmark when reviewing the effectiveness of infant massage in her recent research (2011).

Massage for Babies with Special Situations

Practising Baby Massage Teachers can enhance their skills with this one-day workshop for supporting parents with babies with additional needs.  This programme is aligned with the TAC approach. 

Touch-Learn International Ltd

Tel: 01889 566222


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