Interconnections Worldwide

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New project will help parents with learning difficulties obtain better support


The University of Bristol's Norah Fry Research Centre has been awarded £200,000 from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation  for a new project that aims to help parents with learning disabilities obtain better support.

            The grant will fund further work on the Working Together With Parents Network (WTWPN), a free resource that updates professionals working with parents who have learning difficulties about relevant policy changes, advice, research and positive practice.

            The University-led initiative, which has around 500 members, aims to help parents with learning difficulties and their children get the right support to ensure they can stay together in the family setting.

            Members reported that the network supported them in championing parents with learning difficulties in their local areas and helped to raise awareness about national issues affecting their services.

            Laurence Scott from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation said:

"We are very pleased to be able to support the Working Together With Parents Network. The work forms a close fit with our social change interests around tackling institutional barriers to disadvantage and redressing inequality."

            Beth Tarleton, who is leading the project for the University's Norah Fry Research Centre, added:

"The Norah Fry Research Centre is looking forward to working in close partnership with Learning Disability Wales and the Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability to develop and promote positive practice, and to influence policy at local and national level."




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