The Heart of Love and Logic
Love and Logic is a philosophy of raising and teaching children which allows adults to be happier, empowered, and more skilled in the interactions with children.
Bob Sornson from Colorado, US
Anthony is twelve years old. His parents have had the same expectation for him since third grade. Homework is done, checked and correct before you get to use the television or watch a video. But somehow Anthony managed to get busy with other things, and now his favorite show is about to start and Anthony has not yet touched his homework.
"I'll do my homework after the show," he said over his shoulder as he headed toward the television.
His mom felt her blood start to boil. He knows the family rule. He's pushing those limits again. For a moment her anger almost got the better of her.
And then she stopped and smiled and thought about her beautiful son. He's twelve. He's a bit goofy. Maybe he forgot to start his homework, or maybe he's just feeling his oats and testing to see if I'll give in. She remembered about the power of empathy and her eyes softened. She stood straight and put empathy in her voice.
"Ohhh. This is really sad."
Anthony stopped and glanced at his mom. She looked calm, and he knew his chances were poor.
"It sure is tough when you forget to start your homework. But in our house homework is done, checked, and correct before television."
Empathy is the heart of Love and Logic. The practice of understanding how another person is feeling helps us build respectful connections and a strong positive emotional state. It gives us a glimpse into the heart of another person, and is the foundation of all emotional intelligence.
Love and Logic is a philosophy of raising and teaching children which allows adults to be happier, empowered, and more skilled in the interactions with children. Love allows children to grow through their mistakes. Logic allows children to live with the consequences of their choices. Love and Logic is a way of working with children that puts parents and teachers back in control, teaches children to be responsible, and prepares young people to live in the real world, with its many choices and consequences.
Bob Sornson is the founder of the Early Learning Foundation. He is the author of many books on parenting and on early learning success, including Fanatically Formative: Successful Learning During the Crucial K-3 Years. His books for teachers include Creating Classrooms Where Teachers Love to Teach. His best-selling books for children include Stand in My Shoes: Kids Learning about Empathy, and The Juice Box Bully. He can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Information about the Love and Logic Institute can be found at