Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Training kit to help schools unlock opportunity for disabled children - UK. Of interest to parents

From the Unlocking Opportunities website: Schools and education authorities have a duty under the Equality Act 2010 to provide reasonable adjustments for disabled learners.

Understanding how to make reasonable adjustments is particularly important as the attainment gap between disabled and non-disabled learners is significant. This gap suggests that many disabled learners are not yet getting the support they need to succeed. This imbalance in education opportunities must be addressed.

This resource will help you do just that, by taking you stage by stage through a number of modules with practical activities to increase your knowledge of reasonable adjustments and teaching strategies to support disabled learners.

Reasonable adjustments include auxiliary aids and services. Examples include the use of interpreters, note takers, real-time computer-aided transcription, voice, text, and video-based telecommunications products to name but a few. Some reasonable adjustments will be new to you but many adjustments will already be common practice – for example, the use of auxiliary aids such as written materials in alternative formats, coloured layovers for dyslexic pupils, pen grips, adapted PE equipment, adapted keyboards and computer software.

Reasons for using this resource:

  • To understand how reasonable adjustments can open up learning opportunities
  • To hear from teachers about what types of adjustments can be used in different subjects and for out of school activities.
  • To improve the learning experience and attainment of disabled learners that you teach
  • To ensure that your school is meeting its legal requirements for disabled learners
  • To learn from best practice and reflect on your own practice.

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