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Charities ‘crucial’ to widespread implementation of care and support planning – report from the UK

The knowledge, skills, experience and resources of voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations are crucial to the widespread implementation of care and support planning suggests a new discussion paper from National Voices’ Wellbeing Our Way programme.

The report, What is the role of VCSE organisations in care and support planning? argues that charities have a vital role in supporting people to develop care and support plans - and in working with people with long-term conditions and their clinical teams to put the plans into practice.

The Care Act 2014 introduced a legal responsibility on all local authorities to provide care and support plans and NHS England has stated that care and support planning should be the ‘default mode’. However, latest data shows that only 6% of patients with a long-term condition reported that they have a written care plan.

The publication considers how charities can add real value to the care and support planning process and includes current examples from across the country.

Download What is the role of VCSE organisations in care and support planning? From the National Voices website

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